The Nordic cooperation Apart from the European tour, we are also active inside the Scandinavian region.

buy modafinil A very important part of our project are the grass-root presentations in various schools, universities and festivals of our participating Nordic countries Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

Especially now, when all the Nordic societies are facing growing problems of neonazism, xenophobie and racism, a project like ATTS is a perfect tool to discuss with students and young people about the history of civic activism : how it was possible, that so many young men and women in the Thirties risked their lives to go to faraway Spain to combat fascism?

In the end of the year 2016 and in the beginning of 2017 , our Swedish participants Nils Claesson and Tinna Joné organised two presentations of ATTS in Stockholm:

  • the first one took place in the Stockholm Art Academy in December 2016
  • and the second one during the TEMPO film festival in Stockholm in January 2017

During spring/ summer 2016, Katariina Lillqvist organised three activities in Finland :

  • an  installation and exhibition of her ATTS film RADIO DOLORES together with the Werstas Labour Museum in Tampere and with the Tampere Film Festival in March 2016
  • an open lecture during the summer meeting of Finnish anarchists in Tampere in July 2016
  • and an exhibition of RADIO DOLORES in Helsinki in August 2016

Our colleagues in Norway celebrated the premiere of their ATTS film of Martin Schei in the village of Förde in September 2016,  where Schei was born, with the precency of his relatives .

Already in 2015, when the project was still in the pre-planning state, Norway also hosted an international conference dedicated to ATTS. The hosting organization was the university of Volda, together with professors Gunnar Ström and Jon-Olav Myklebust.